Optical Illusions

Below are a series of Optical Illusions that discredit the eyes.

Optical Illusion A

A and B are the same shade of gray—ALWAYS. Print It!

Optical Illusion B

The two doughnut halves are the same shade of gray—ALWAYS! Notice how it looks like the right-hand doughnut gets darker, when it sinks.
Don't believe me? Cover up the side that doesn't move.

Optical Illusion G

Those little diamonds are all solid white—ALWAYS. Your eyes are adding the dancing dark!

Optical Illusion E

All those lines are strait, and perfectly horizontal!
Check them with a ruler!

Optical Illusion D

Is that a spiral? Nope!

Ghost Illusion

The color of the two ghosts is always the same!

Still trust those eyes of yours?!